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Thursday, 21 April 2016

4yr old kid model account was hacked by follow back app(photos)

    Glory kelechi is a Kid model that love acting , dacing, singing and reading. Its come to our notice that the teen model Instagram and twitter account was hacked...

Monday, 18 April 2016

Mr IBU is Coming to Australia for Comedy and Dinner Night

@kingcelebocoro is promoting Mr IBU event in Melbourne Australia tag  COMEDY/DINNER NIGHT...

Sunday, 10 April 2016

MUSIC » Lil5ive [@kinglil5ive]— The Matter

South south popular and very hard working underground rapper lil5ive Aka south sultan A member of "BoisMakingGreatness" and a...

Saturday, 2 April 2016

@kingcelebocoro added new photos to his album

King Celeb Ocoro of #kissurworld added new photos to his album in Facebook  and more are coming stay tune. Follow him on Twitter @kingceleboco...
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